Keri Ann Flaccomio
writing & communications portfolio
Center for Academic Advisement & First-Year Experience; Testing Center
"Volume I, Issue XIX: The Parent/Family Focus"
April 2012 (with Elyse Toribio)
Ramapo Class to Study Impact of Crossroads Shopping Center in Mahwah
First Annual World Expo at Ramapo!
Civic Engagement Center Hosts a Night Without a Home
Study Abroad Cuba
Mr. and Ms. Roadrunner Contest Held
Important Dates
Academic Advisement Resources and Tools
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Constant Contact Newsletter
"Volume I, Issue XVIII: The Parent/Family Focus"
March 2012 (with Elyse Toribio)
Academic Advisement Month
Reminder: Summer/Fall Course Registration
Ramapo College Goes Above and Beyond for Accommodations for Disabilities
Cahill Center Provides Career and Internship Fairs for Students
Ramapo Named a 2011-2012 Best-Value Public College
The Center for Academic Advisement and First-Year Experience is Hiring!
Important Dates
Academic Advisement Resources and Tools
"Volume I, Issue XIII: The Parent/Family Focus"
April 2011 (with Elyse Toribio)
Ramapo Introduces Alcohol Training Program for Residents in Wet Housing
College Lends Aid to Japan Relief Effort
School Hosts Symposium on Immigration in the 21st Century
Professor Publishes Paper on Gender Influences, Social Science Methodology
Relay for Life Raises Funds, Awareness for Cancer Research
Important Dates
Academic Advisement Resources and Tools
"Volume I, Issue X: The Parent/Family Focus"
December 2010 (with Elyse Toribio)
Ramapo Receives $2 million Gift for New Nursing Center, Announces Renovation
Final Grades Available in Late December
A Message from the Office of Residence Life: Check-out Procedures and the End of the Semester
Cahill Center Provides Career and Internship Fairs for Students
Ramapo Named a 2011-2012 Best-Value Public College
The Center for Academic Advisement and First-Year Experience is Hiring!
Important Dates
Academic Advisement Resources and Tools
"Volume I, Issue IX: The Parent/Family Focus"
November 2010 (with Elyse Toribio)
Registration Month
Be Aware of Account Holds
FERPA Reminder
A Student's First Homecoming
Community Service Center: Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week
Cahill Center Director Introduces New Initiatives
Important Dates
Academic Advisement Resources and Tools
Orientation Website
Over the course of three years, I worked on content development, writing, editing and layout for 15+ issues of the monthly Parent/Family Focus at the request of my supervisor. Using Constant Contact, my co-worker and I collaborated to create an e-mail newsletter including updates on academics, social events, campus policies and college achievements. We used photos and hyperlinks to direct readers to further information, including highlights on the Ramapo College website. Five issues of The Parent/Family Focus are highlighted here.
Newspaper Advertisement
"October is Academic Advising Month"
Thursday, September 30, 2010
To prepare for Academic Advising Month I was tasked with creating an advertisement for The Ramapo News using a puzzle piece theme. Working in Microsoft Illustrator, I developed a simple ad to serve the following purposes: help students identify their academic advisors; encourage students and faculty members to familiarize themselves with the advisement process; highlight important dates relevant to academic advisement; and direct readers to further information through office and online resources.
"Orientation Programs"
April 2012
As our office and those overseeing it prepared to launch a comprehensive website providing information on Ramapo's orientation programs and resources for students, parents and families, I was selected to compose the written content for the pages marked "Orientation Information" ("Spring Orientation," "Fall First-Year Orientation" and "Fall Transfer/Readmit Orientation"), "Parents & Families," "Student Orientation Leaders" and "Meet the Staff."
Student Success Web Content
"Peer Facilitators & First-Year Experience Gallery"
March 2013
While working as a testing assistant under the direction of Student Success, I was asked to write content for the "Peer Facilitators" and "First-Year Experience Gallery" pages on the CAAFYE website. The goal was to provide an overview of Student Success services—including the Peer Facilitation program, New Student Orientation, Welcome Week, Family Day and the Majors & Minors Fair—and highlight their connection to student achievement in a concise manner.
"Post-Testing Opportunities"
October 2013; March 2013
These documents exemplify content written to present the same information to different audiences, in a way that best meets the needs of each. Originally composed for the Fall 2013 semester and later revised for the Spring 2014 semester, these handouts highlight opportunities for students categorized as "prepared" and "underprepared"—based on their placement testing scores—to get ahead before the start of classes. Upon completion of testing and evaluation of placement, students were given one of the two documents to direct them toward next steps and to underline the link between testing and student success.